Bliss Of Being : Our Natural State

I feel you

By Wayne Hoover

Sometimes I wish you where here to enjoy this tea with me, or the way the sun felt in the fresh crisp air today, or the pink sunset a couple days ago. But suddenly sometimes I realize that you are here enjoying it with me.

Sometimes I feel that when I am happy you are happy too. When I am enjoying myself you are enjoying yourself, and this makes me even more happy. I feel you. I love you.

We are so infinitely connected you and I. It’s quite beautiful. It’s very relaxing really. It’s relaxing because I know we are connected and I don’t have to think about it. I know you are there, if I want to feel you I just feel you.

This is such a liberating realization. We are in this together, we are together. I feel you. When I am not distracting myself I can feel you, when I remember my true self I can feel you. I choose to feel all of you. I choose to feel you when you are sad, I choose to feel you when you are happy.

I choose to feel you all the time. I choose to feel you when you are in pain. I choose to feel you when you are in pleasure. I choose to feel you all the time. I love you.

I choose to feel you because I choose to feel myself. I choose to feel myself when I am in pain and when I am in happy. I choose to feel myself when I am hurt and when I am joyful. I choose to acknowledge myself. I don’t hide my feelings, I don’t cover up my feelings. I feel fully all that which my heart blesses me with. I feel. I feel deeply.

I feel you deeply because I feel myself deeply. I listen. I don’t say I shouldn’t be feeling this or I shouldn’t be feeling that. I allow myself to fully feel. I don’t try and force my feelings. I don’t try and feel happy when I am sad. I just fully accept and allow. To me this is loving myself fully, full acceptance. Deep acceptance.

Right now what are you feeling? I feel you. When you tap into the depth of your feeling I feel you. I’ll meet you there.

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