By Wayne Hoover
It being my birthday I think it is a good time to give thanks for my life so far.
I am so ever grateful on my birthday today. Twenty five years and boy I have seen so and done so much! I have a running joke with a lot of my friends where we say “kings don’t have it this good-” and they don’t. I can honestly say that much of my life I have felt this way; so grateful- so blessed.
First let give thanks first and foremost where it belongs first and foremost- my mother. I had the amazing luck to be born to a mother that always gently- securely- and lovingly lit my path without ever- once- indoctrinating me with her views. Mom- I love you.
My childhood was amazing- I grew up on the beach playing in the sand while my family surfed. I went to an amazing high school where I quickly learned that partying wasn’t my style and started meditating with my neighbors(!) around my senior year of high school.
After high school I had the privilege of going to an amazing college in the middle of the red woods. I lived in a place where the most profound and influential events life of life took place; our meditation housing CoOp we started called the Dharma Pad.
If you know me you probably have heard stories of the Dharma Pad. That place had so much love pouring out of it you could have tapped it and sold it at the farmers market. What an amazing time- and what an effect it has had on me. Those three years with those amazing people utterly and completely changed me. I am who I am now mostly because of that time spent with those friends in that house. The things we did- the memories… That house is when my journey into exponential growth started.
So many amazing times at the Dharma Pad. I couldn’t even begin to list them here. So much love. So much love- how can I even begin.
From there- I moved to Hawaii. What a blessed life I have lived! I lived in Hawaii for about 9 months or so and again had such an amazing time- that that place- those people I met there still- and will always- linger in my soul as a beautiful impression that I get to take with me everywhere.
Hawaii with its sweet tropical fruit- amazing sun rises- people and places. I am grateful for you.
After Hawaii I moved back to LA. And not just anywhere in LA- but on the ocean- in Venice! This was my view:
Now we are close to here and now. Now I live with amazing- absolutely- beautiful thriving housemates that inspire me to be better everyday. A living situation in LA like I always wanted.
From Santa Cruz- to Hawaii to Venice Beach- I have lived a blessed life.
And a blessed life I am to have more of! If the last quarter of my life was just me getting off the runway I can’t wait to see whats next.
In the end- how can I end a post on what I am grateful for without saying what I am most grateful for. My friends and family! You all shine my life with such amazing beauty- you all are the reason why I’m so happy all the time.
Love to you all. Blessings.
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