By Wayne Hoover
Today I quit my job as a web developer working for a great local web design company. I was generally happy at my old job- but I realized that web development isn’t my passion- its my skill my passion is personal development.
Let me share my story about how I came to quit my job- learn to follow my true calling and learn the difference between passion and skill.
Working as a web developer I always knew that I was much more than a web developer. I have always had a fascination and love for personal development. Call it what you want; personal growth- personal achievement- time management- spirituality- consciousness- I basically simply enjoy taking every aspect of my life to the next level. I love talking about personal development- I love doing personal development. When I quit my job today it is indicative of my passion of taking my life to the next level. I feel much more aligned with my passion now.
I know that I can give so much more to the world through applying my skills to my passion. I know that I can really touch the world by sharing of myself and my experiences- specifically in the realm of personal development. I am a natural leader- and I am never satisfied unless I am leading and doing that which I know to be best for me. I know that going into a job everyday and doing something I am good at but not passionate about is not how I can truly help the most people.
I am bound to succeed in what I am doing because I am passionate about it. I love talking- writing- reading and practicing theories- tips- and techniques on personal development. I truly want to live the best life ever- and am constantly striving for the best for me- as such I have already achieved amazing results and can’t wait to share them with the world.
By doing what I know is best for me I am really doing what is best for the world. When I do what I am passionate about the whole world benefits because what I am passionate about I do so well- real- real quality work comes from those that are passionate about what they are doing. The more you heart sings when you are doing it the higher quality it becomes.
I love the quote “Your job is where your passion and your skills meet.” Its no question that my skills are in web development. I have been part of the development of hundreds of websites- I fluently speak the language of the web and will always be a tech geek at heart- but this is my skill not my passion.
Being a developer isn’t entirely rewarding for me- no matter how good I got at web development- I just didn’t like it enough to really take it any further than fluency- I didn’t have the passion to take my development skills to the mastery level. This is because my true passion is personal development. When I think about mastering personal development I get chills down my back- I can honestly think of nothing more that I like doing than taking my life to higher and higher levels of ease- freedom- and joy and teaching others how to achieve the same.
I have come to realize that my skill is in web technology but it is not my passion. I recently became very clear on my passion by reading a book Janet Attwood’s called The Passion Test through a recommendation by fellow LA personal development teacher Max Simon– and then it really all clicked for me when I read Zen Habits short simple post on finding your passion. The key element that made it all click for me was when I read “What do you read?” as a guide for finding your passion. That’s when it clicked- every chance that I get I am reading about personal development- spiritual growth- etc. I have been passionate about it ever since I was in highschool- its in my spirit- I love it- its my passion.
Once I really owned up to my passion- I finally realized that what I was doing as my job wasn’t what I was passionate about it was what I was skilled in.
So I have decided to truly let my passion shine- to step up and lead a conscious revelation in personal development and with my skills as a web developer and my passion in personal development there is really no reason why this blog will not be just as popular as Zen Habits or I am destined to succeed.
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